This function is an extension of the length-syncopate function which simulates the rhythmic effect created by 'choking', a technique widely used by bass guitarists and sax players. By contrast l-syncope add note-length values to the note-length list so changing not only the rhythm but the resultant melodic contour, something length syncopate does not do.
In the following examples the length paramter denotes a '1/4 which is divided variously into (1/16 3/16) and (3/16 1/16). The parameter count indicates the number of syncopes to be processed ex. 1 4 suggests between 1 and 4 syncopes may be selected for processing and at random. The parameter divide is set to either to a specific note-length value or to min, max or nil to denotes syncope of the maximum value in the list, the minimum value in he list or a value chosen at random.